out of sorts


something, not related. Enjoy!

What now… ?


So i’m sure everyone play games right? from easy-peasy “mario-kart”, “super mario” & whatever there is in the market right now. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) is becoming increasily popluar. With favourites like MapleStory & SilkRoadOnline or maybe even HeroOnline. There are indeed so many choices to choose from. But i being left the in the chase, I’m still playing offline games like those from TotalWar. Games like “ROME” & its expansion packs. There are still fans of offline games out there i’m sure.

BY: Wendigo

damn, its really a nice game.

Nevertheless, kids are also not left out at all! There are choices like ClubPenguin for young ones to socialise and all that. WOW, our society is indeed changing. For good or for worse ?

Have you been wondering what are Rss Feeds? Know what are they for? ( look at my left column —> ) Here are some information that i thought might be useful. after reading; probably you can try playing around with the ones i have already on my blog. THERE ——————————————————————————> if you’re still blur~ heh

Check them out; yah?

ad-free blog!


yes; we’re ad-free.  I understand your plight, you want to read one blog but its fill up with ads instead of information. Therefore, i made my blog -ad free. I myself hates to visits websites which are filled up with so many ads that i see more ads than the things i wanted to see. Websites taking a long=long time to load. that’s not nice; so i think ad-free would be cool, and anyways i have no intention at the start to make money out of this so dah!

hahaas. Yes, what’s for tomolo, or rather tomorrow.

I’ll be having my Physics and Accounts paper tomorrow. so wish me luck 😉 I’hv gotta prepare chicken esscence, uhm ginko pills and so on.. Zzz a typical S’porean that’s what some call. Anyways, if i’hv the time to come blog again tomorrow, i’ll share about the latest “LEXAN” magazine. I’m sure not all of us here would have heard of it, and yes i’ll tell you some about that. So stay tuned. for the time being, do check out people.com i really think its a very-very intresting site to visit every now and then. uhm if u’re still bored, you can try chasing some girls; don’t ask me though. cause i suck at it 😦

 and one more. as you can see; there’s no ads on my site. cool huh? hahass. i would like to put stuffs like adwords and stuff, but it seems wordpress forbids, i dunno why. enjoy ur day. Its fri-day tmr.

Are we supposed to spell “busted” like “B-A-S-T-A-R-D” or what? HEH; check out this busted prank I crossed upon on Youtube. Please be patient with the loading. Good things are worth waiting for sometimes.

Check them out;

Here  OR Here:

Paris Hilton? I’m sure everyone would have known her by now. Does she deserves to be put behind bars? Did she really violate her suspension? – No one really knows; espespecially such a person like her.

Check this out 😉 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20038364,00.html


Originally uploaded by unlabel.

So, on the 24th dec last year i arrived at Vienna with some friends. We were told by a local guide that christmas was a huge event on the calender, something like chinese new year in S’pore. All shops were to be close, even restaurants. So we went to this ‘Billa Bipa” supermarket and did some shopping for food to keep our stomachs full during christmas